Defund the "NGO" jungle, 100%
"public-private partnerships" = networks of deep state corruption
When have you first heard or encountered the term “NGO”? When you’re a boomer, or a slightly younger adult, like me (*1963), you probably didn’t have that acronym in your vocabulary until much later in your life, right?
Have you ever actively thought about the term, what it means and how reasonable it is, as a concept? Considering the thing at face value:
“Non-governmental organization”, seemingly as a category of ALL organizations, except government – how does that even make sense?
That’s like a category for all animals, or let’s say all pet animals, except cats. Or except cows. Sounds stupid, right? I mean, it’s possible though: there are cats, and non-cat pets. NCPs, as we call them in the business. OK, it’s ridiculous.
And yet we hear about NGOs all the time. They are in bed, ideologically, with “civil society”. Same crap. Or worse. Just taking that at literal face value, that would be everything social, except the military? While I guess what it is supposed to label is everything except official government / politics. Something like that.
The strange thing and the ugly truth is that those types who are all in on NGO and “civil society” are in bed with government and politics all the time.
And when I’m saying “in bed”, I’m talking about frequent if not constant intense intercourse. My mind is pondering even more graphic terminology, but we’re in polite society here, I guess. To be exact, it’s not just any old sex, it’s generally promiscuous, quite kinky, and it’s mostly paid sex, as in prostitution. I’m not talking about a lone little brothel either, it’s more like a gigantic franchise on industrial scales.
The “NGO” universe that I’m talking about here with disgust is a crucial part of the globalist establishment, which in turn is of course heavily in bed with the American deep state, the corrupt kleptocratic Chinese Communists, Western academia, the “professional managerial class”, otherwise known as credentialed classes, or in more colorful terms: the parasitical pseudo-elites.
What are these NGOs needed for? Influence peddling, networking, money laundering and funneling, providing jobs …
But not officially. Officially, NGOs are there to make the world a better place. They are the platform for well-meaning individuals, educated upright citizens who want to partake in that noble endeavor. Philanthropy of sorts, well organized, but outside of bureaucracy, effective and in a way, democracy de luxe for the upper classes. When you’re part of the NGO world, you’re entitled to have a bigger say, just like an “expert” must be listened to, while the rubes must be ignored.
The NGO busybodies are among the “stakeholders” … another term coming with “NGO” and “civil society”, right out of the UN/WEF globalist universe … articulating themselves – often on behalf of others, of course – and volunteering to improve the world into utopia.
That is the facade. It is about as truthful as what the matrix told you about the China virus and the “vaccines”, or what Morning Joe told you about “sharp as a tack, better than ever” Joe Biden, or what AOC tells you about imminent climate catastrophe.
In reality, we are talking about the corrupt self-serving, parasitical “elites” that have … basically together with their common political platform within the US, the “Democrats” … usurped all institutions of power and influence over decades, ideologically cultural / post / plain Marxists or otherwise fascists and totalitarian thugs, closely cuddling with the usual suspects known as neocons, the deep state, much of big corporate.
I’ve written about that ugly bunch before, and how the populist movement led by President Trump was at last able to defeat them, leading to the current 2nd American Revolution, as I have been calling it, or the “Revolution of Common Sense”, as President Trump has officially labeled it even with his staggering Inaugural Address in the Capitol’s beautiful Rotunda.
What I want to focus on right here is this: By now we have seen breathtaking evidence, uncovered by Elon Musk and his DOGE workers (or rather genius-level tech engineers and data analyst wizards), on how the corrupt establishment blob has been able to usurp so much power and how they did it, how much money they stole out of public coffers, partly from taxpayers, partly borrowed, partly “printed” out of thin air, but all of it mortgaging the nation into oblivion, burying future opportunities under mountains of unsustainable, unbearable debt.
The core point being that within this blob, the “NGO” entities were, collectively, with all their hyper-complex “diversity”, semi-private seclusion and deceptive framing, exactly the structure that they needed – without which most of it would have been impossible to manage, and hide from public understanding and scrutiny.
NGOs pretend to be structurally, and morally, better than governmental entities, but they are far worse.
Government, at least in principle, can be held accountable, there are oversight mechanisms in place. Yeah, I know, for that you need politicians who are non-corrupt and actually do what the framers thought they should, collectively. Of course, the NGO jungle created by the establishment blob helped to corrupt much of the political body so that they immunized themselves against actual accountability. We need to be aware of that.
I have often referred to how big metropolitan areas are being controlled politically by what can truthfully be understood as a local mob. All blue, of course.
After the latest revelations, and God knows what avalanche is yet to come, it seems fair to say that actually, America in its entirety has been run by a mob.
A criminal network of hitherto unknown proportions, unscrupulosity, complexity, reach, depth …
To call it “epic” is deserved, but not remotely sufficient. Not to appear self-important, but let me just say that I was clear-sighted enough to know in my bones that the 2020 elections were rigged and stolen, on the spot. I said so in the days after. I have been writing about a vastly corrupted judicial system in the US a long time ago, when the notion wasn’t already spread more widely (not least through the law fare against President Trump and his allies, or simply courageous upright actual citizens).
Of course, all of legacy media was deeply corrupt. Polling was more like propaganda. All of that seemed clear to me. That the CIA and other such entities had their fingers in the narrative-and-censorship industrial complex, all over the world.
But tens of billions of bucks per year, as they have generously poured over their influence peddling network through “USAID”, and with a federal workforce of beyond 10k in that thing alone?
That’s stratospheric levels
of » WTF is going on here «.
Again, the core mechanism for this to work, sufficiently hidden from public attention, lovingly portrayed as philanthropy on big levels, was the NGO jungle. Turns out, NGOs are doing what the government itself, or those behind the scenes pulling the strings, would like to do but cannot do officially. NGOs are the bureaucrats’ unofficial henchmen, mercenaries – but beware, there is no clear hierarchy.
The NGOs are not the government’s minions. It’s a give and take (often with revolving doors). Bigwigs in the NGO world need the types within at government levers and coffers, but may actually often call the shots (and occupy the better paying jobs).
Anyway, the “N” in “NGO” is practically a big bold lie. The line between government and non-governmental is not meaningful in a good way, it is rather like a curtain behind which both sides, both groups of actors hide their shenanigans. It is a conspiracy of sorts. A deception, a charade, a con job scheme – and boy, did that prosper for so many years. Like cancer metastasizing into all organs and limbs.
It’s all corrupt politics, power play and always brazen enrichment; the government or actually malfeasant agents within the ranks provide the stolen taxpayer money for what the semi-private folks are doing out of sight, or sometimes hidden in plain sight, but without ever thanking or deferring to their involuntary donors.
The NGO types pose as benefactors when in fact they are parasites, the government types get to control much of society and politics far beyond their official domain.
It’s the worst out of the two worlds – “private” vs. state executive – combined, practically enabling a totalitarian / fascist shadow government system.
You might call it innovative, actually. About as innovative as concentration camps with gas chambers, or transgender ideology with “affirming surgery”. Something like that. Mind-boggling evil.
Now what to do against this utter scam, and scum?
Easy: stop giving money. Any. At all.
There is no need to do it, and no justification.
Nobody needs NGOs. They were not existent, in today’s form, half a century ago, basically, and that was much better.
Of course, “organizations” of all sorts have been there all the time. Outside of government, and I mean REALLY outside of it, independent.
On one hand, there are enterprises and businesses, small and big. They are obviously “organizations”, private and non-governmental.
On the non-profit side that NGOs claim to dwell on (another absurd lie, because they benefit abundantly from their schemes), there are churches and genuine charities.
Sport clubs and other local forms of socializing. Country clubs, too. Rotary, Lions.
Same clientele: chambers of commerce. On the other side, unions.
Also “think tanks”, and lobby groups.
All of those you can like or not, partake or not, support or not. FREEDOM.
Citizens with all sorts of interests can team up and fight for what they like, or against what they don’t like. Or just have a cup of coffee together, or organize a soccer game for the neighborhood. Or invite a Congressperson for a talk. Whatever.
All of that existed before anyone ever heard of, let alone identified with the concept of “NGO”. That came up only as a framing for the higher-up citizenry pretending to do the good work for mankind when actually, it was just corrupt political networking, nefarious influence peddling and self-enrichment out of public sources.
I mean, George Soros the Nazi billionaire giving money to dubious groups undermining freedom and safety, that is ugly enough, but to a degree, as philanthropy gone to the dark side, a formally justifiable possibility. Freedom has trade-offs.
But the deep state shoveling money into such groups founded, funded and steered by Soros, that is a different thing entirely. The deep state funneling money into groups that work actively to push and protect plainly illegal activities, as with forbidden immigration, that is beyond bizarre.
America, like other Western countries, has indeed in many ways become a rotten system within. Sorry for the appalling diagnosis. Don’t hit the messenger.
That is a crime spree coming right out of the executive bureaucracy. Similar to crime sprees originating with local DA offices, or right from the bench, as we have seen abundantly.
Stop it all.
No more “public private partnership”, another egregious euphemism out of the corrupt globalist story book.
It is a recipe for corruption, as we now see in increasingly full daylight.
Either it’s government, with full accountability, rules and rigor.
Or it’s not. Then it is a private entity that can do, within general law, whatever it’s up to, but not with public / taxpayer money.
When citizens dearly want something, they can do two things: lobby the government so that it becomes a reality, organized in some way by the government itself. Or find private sponsors and do it outside of government. Either / or. In that context:
Tax exemption, for proven time-honored charities, that would presumably keep to be an option, a legitimate mechanism and incentive. When a charity actually relies on genuine generosity of private people, or philanthropy of the richer fellows, donations ought to be tax-deductible, yes.
Other than that, no money from government to private entity. Period. No subsidies. Heck, subsidies in general are a bad thing, actually. But as long as public money is not given specifically to singled-out recipients only, granted by their government cronies, it’s a different game. And as long as the money flow and the rules for it are totally transparent for everybody to understand and scrutinize.
If the government needs something to be done by a contractor, that is a different thing, too. Like buying weapons, or building a road. (For that, probably better rules and oversight and public scrutiny are needed as well, we don’t want to be credulous here either.)
Yet outside of that pragmatically unavoidable sort of expenditures, a crystal clear cut needs to be done:
No “reforming” for NGO funding with public money. No better rules, no committees, no nothing. Just plain stop it. It’s no good and only leads to corruption.
It’s not a loss for society at large. To the contrary. Consider this:
The mere idea that the government ought to become or act like a quasi “donor” supporting and paying for philanthropy is absolutely preposterous.
Society, a really “civil” one, with regular citizens, ought to take care of itself without the detour and the derangement of governmental structures, whenever barely conceivable.
It is called self-government for a reason. The less government structure, the more self. Subsidiarity. All of it.
Leave more money to the people by taxing them less, and whole new landscapes of actual charity and philanthropy will grow. Go try. You’ll be astonished.
That being said and well understood, just to make my case as clear as humanly possible, I’m going to repeat it concisely. Consider it a commandment.
Do not deviate. Be firm about it. Resist sentimental temptation. This is crucial. We need to learn from history.